1 Imagine ur cell battery is very low, u r expecting an
important call and u don't have a charger.
Nokia instrument comes with a reserve battery. To
key is "*3370#"
Ur cell will restart with this reserve and ur instrument
will show a 50% incerase in battery.
This reserve will get charged when u charge ur cell
*3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)-Your phone
uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced by approx.
#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec( EFR)
*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a
quality sound
but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
*#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec
2 *#0000# Displays your phones software version,
1st Line : Software Version,
2nd Line : Software Release Date,
3rd Line : Compression Type
3 *#9999# Phones software v ersion if *#0000# does not work
4 *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment
(IMEI Number)
5 #pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*"
to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
6 #pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button
obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
7 #pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button
obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
8 #pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status.(use the "*" button
obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
9 *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last
*#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)
10 *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are
diverted To
11 *#2640# Displays security code in use
12 *#30# Lets you see the private number
13 *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your
14 *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply"
are diverted to
15 *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unrea
chable(no service)" calls are diverted to
16 *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls"
diverted to
17 *#67705646#R emoves operator logo on 3310 & 3330
18 *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores
19 *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone
supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it
means you will get the best standby
20 *#7760# Manufactures code
21 *#7780# Restorefa ctory settings
22 *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110
23 *#92702689# (to rember *#WAR0ANTY#)
Displays -
1.Serial Number,
2.Date Made
3.Purchase Date,
4.Date of last repair (0000 for no
5.Transfer User Data.
To exit this mode -you need to
your phone off then on again
24 *#94870345123456789# Deactivate the PWM-Mem
25 **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone
26 **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone
27 **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number
28 12345 This is the default security code press and hold #
Nokia Tips & Tricks
How to make free calls | Websites to make free calls ~ Collection ~
Instead of buying a plan for making the International calls which is really costly affair, we are having many alternatives now a days which are providing free International calls.
List of Websites to make free International calls: These websites will offer you free PC-Phone calling services.
Eva Phone : EvaPhone provides Internet telephone calls for free. It offers free VoIP call solutions(free VoIP service lets you make PC-to-phone free international calls). All you need is a computer to start making free VoIP calls using Internet to phone. http://evaphone.com/
Globe 7 : Globe7 is a tiny application integrated with Soft Phone, IM, Videos, Games, News and many more opt-in widgets for your complete entertainment, information and communication. You can also do many other things like Watch Free Videos, Play Free Games, Free Live TV, Free Live Radio, Send SMS, Upload & Share Files, Breaking News and many more.http://www.jaxtr.com/user/index.jsp
Jaxtr : Jaxtr is a social communications company that melds together global calling, SMS, and social networking. You should signup for free account initially. Enter your number to get local jaxtr number than Call the jaxtr number on your phone and Dial your destination number after the prompt and talk.https://www.flash2voip.com/
Flash2VOIP : Flash2VoIP is conventional SIP based video telephone written in Adobe Flash technology. It can be used to connect to almost any existing SIP service provider to make VoIP and Video calls through it. Flash2VoIP is paid-for service provided by GTalk2VoIP Inc. You need to pay 5$/month. Here is the list of rates they charge for every Destination.https://www.flash2voip.com/
iCall : iCall uses Voice Over IP (VoIP) technology which uses your existing Internet connection (cable, DSL, wireless, or dial-up) and your PC to plug you directly in to the regular telephone network. lets you make and receive free or low cost phone calls on your Windows computer, iPhone, or iPod Touch.http://www.icall.com/
Ad Phone : ADPHONE works wherever you are, and you can call any phone in the world. It provides you 30mins free-calling everyday to anywhere in the world. But beyond that you need to pay(low rates).http://www.adphone.com/default.asp
Talkonaut is free mobile calling, VoIP enabled, Google Talk like application for your mobile phone. Talkonaut is available for many different mobile platforms: Symbian S60, Windows Mobile 5/6, J2ME with MIDP-2.0 and now for Google Android. Talkonaut supports Jabber, Google Talk, ICQ, MSN, AIM and Yahoo networks both for chatting and voice calling. Talkonaut allows to make free VoIP over GPRS/EDGE calls, as well as calls over 3G, or WIFI.
List of Websites to make free International calls: These websites will offer you free PC-Phone calling services.
Eva Phone : EvaPhone provides Internet telephone calls for free. It offers free VoIP call solutions(free VoIP service lets you make PC-to-phone free international calls). All you need is a computer to start making free VoIP calls using Internet to phone. http://evaphone.com/
Globe 7 : Globe7 is a tiny application integrated with Soft Phone, IM, Videos, Games, News and many more opt-in widgets for your complete entertainment, information and communication. You can also do many other things like Watch Free Videos, Play Free Games, Free Live TV, Free Live Radio, Send SMS, Upload & Share Files, Breaking News and many more.http://www.jaxtr.com/user/index.jsp
Jaxtr : Jaxtr is a social communications company that melds together global calling, SMS, and social networking. You should signup for free account initially. Enter your number to get local jaxtr number than Call the jaxtr number on your phone and Dial your destination number after the prompt and talk.https://www.flash2voip.com/
Flash2VOIP : Flash2VoIP is conventional SIP based video telephone written in Adobe Flash technology. It can be used to connect to almost any existing SIP service provider to make VoIP and Video calls through it. Flash2VoIP is paid-for service provided by GTalk2VoIP Inc. You need to pay 5$/month. Here is the list of rates they charge for every Destination.https://www.flash2voip.com/
iCall : iCall uses Voice Over IP (VoIP) technology which uses your existing Internet connection (cable, DSL, wireless, or dial-up) and your PC to plug you directly in to the regular telephone network. lets you make and receive free or low cost phone calls on your Windows computer, iPhone, or iPod Touch.http://www.icall.com/
Ad Phone : ADPHONE works wherever you are, and you can call any phone in the world. It provides you 30mins free-calling everyday to anywhere in the world. But beyond that you need to pay(low rates).http://www.adphone.com/default.asp
Talkonaut is free mobile calling, VoIP enabled, Google Talk like application for your mobile phone. Talkonaut is available for many different mobile platforms: Symbian S60, Windows Mobile 5/6, J2ME with MIDP-2.0 and now for Google Android. Talkonaut supports Jabber, Google Talk, ICQ, MSN, AIM and Yahoo networks both for chatting and voice calling. Talkonaut allows to make free VoIP over GPRS/EDGE calls, as well as calls over 3G, or WIFI.
Download Free High Definition Wallpapers for all PC and Mobile
Download Free High Definition Wallpapers for all PC and Mobile with all size.
A List of all HD Wallpaper Sites.
Click here :
2.http://www.interfacelift.com sites provide any size like mobile, ipod ,iphone, apple,netbook,and HD 1280*800,2500*1600

A List of all HD Wallpaper Sites.
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You will love it. Very nice HD wallpapers with different scales.
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Send Unlimited Bulk SmS to Your Enmy only for airtel user
Send bulk sms to our enmy .just follow the procedure given below.
1) go tohttp://mobilecampus.airtelworld.com/xwap/xregistration/xregistrationpage.php?friendId=
using ur airtel live setting its free.
And put the mobile no. Of ur enmy on the box and submit it.
Ur enmy will get one sms saying welcome to mobile cumpus.....
1) go tohttp://mobilecampus.airtelworld.com/xwap/xregistration/xregistrationpage.php?friendId=
using ur airtel live setting its free.
And put the mobile no. Of ur enmy on the box and submit it.
Ur enmy will get one sms saying welcome to mobile cumpus.....
2)Now just gotohttp://mobilecampus.airtelworld.com/xwap/xregistration/xforgotpassword.php?
You will see the box and enter ur enmys no. Again.
3)as many times u will press green button (call receving button) that much sms will go to ur enmys mobile. Dont allow to open the next page just press the green kye continiusly other wise only one sms will go.
But only important thing is firs u have to step 1 and resister ur enmiz no. And than open step 2.
Ur enmy will not able to detect who is sending thes msg. And u will be safe.
Even custamar care will not also able to recogonise.
You will see the box and enter ur enmys no. Again.
3)as many times u will press green button (call receving button) that much sms will go to ur enmys mobile. Dont allow to open the next page just press the green kye continiusly other wise only one sms will go.
But only important thing is firs u have to step 1 and resister ur enmiz no. And than open step 2.
Ur enmy will not able to detect who is sending thes msg. And u will be safe.
Even custamar care will not also able to recogonise.
Windows 7 SP1 (August 2010 Beta Release) 32-Bit ..Direct link
Windows 7 SP1 (August 2010 beta Release)
File Size: 286 MB
Description :
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Win7 SP1) fixes a range of bugs and adds some new but minor features to Windows 7. The file is a significantly large download and can be applied to the 32-bit version of Windows 7.
* remember that this is a beta release and you should not install the software until you have made suitable backups and have a full understanding of the risks of using beta software.
* Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is still in a work in progress and the final features will not known until later in the development cycle.
* This is an ISO file and will need to viewed or mounted using a program that can run or burn ISO files to a disc.
* Microsoft advise uninstalling any previous beta or versions before installing this release (it will not work with any beta version of Windows 7.
* Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Win7 SP1) includes previously-released security updates and fixes, but not much in the way of new features. The most substantial new addition is RemoteFX that allows you to use the Remote Desktop Services platform to deploy a virtual machine (we are willing to bet most people won't really care about his feature).
* According to Microsoft 'After you install SP1 Beta, your desktop may display the following text: Evaluation copy. This text does not mean that your system is no longer "Genuine." This text indicates only that you installed a test version of software that is time limited.'
Direct Link frm Microsoft Server HiGh SpEeD..
Download Link : Window 7.exe
File Size: 286 MB
Description :
Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Win7 SP1) fixes a range of bugs and adds some new but minor features to Windows 7. The file is a significantly large download and can be applied to the 32-bit version of Windows 7.
* remember that this is a beta release and you should not install the software until you have made suitable backups and have a full understanding of the risks of using beta software.
* Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is still in a work in progress and the final features will not known until later in the development cycle.
* This is an ISO file and will need to viewed or mounted using a program that can run or burn ISO files to a disc.
* Microsoft advise uninstalling any previous beta or versions before installing this release (it will not work with any beta version of Windows 7.
* Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (Win7 SP1) includes previously-released security updates and fixes, but not much in the way of new features. The most substantial new addition is RemoteFX that allows you to use the Remote Desktop Services platform to deploy a virtual machine (we are willing to bet most people won't really care about his feature).
* According to Microsoft 'After you install SP1 Beta, your desktop may display the following text: Evaluation copy. This text does not mean that your system is no longer "Genuine." This text indicates only that you installed a test version of software that is time limited.'
Direct Link frm Microsoft Server HiGh SpEeD..
Download Link : Window 7.exe
You can watch it free using your Airtel mobile using mobile office settings keeping balance below 30p.
Other operators charge you according to your data plan.visit the link below from your mobile to watch the channel
Watch 9xm on your mobile for free.
You can watch it free using your Airtel mobile using mobile office settings keeping balance below 30p.
Other operators charge you according to your data plan.
visit the link below from your mobile to watch the channel
Other operators charge you according to your data plan.
visit the link below from your mobile to watch the channel
Watch tv channels on your mobile for free.You can watch AAJ TAK channel live on your mobile phone by using the following trick:
visit the following link using your mobile.
to watch it free use Airtel Mobile office settings and keep balance below 30ps in your Airtel Mobile.
Now watch NDTV on your mobile.
You can watch it free using your Airtel mobile using mobile office settings keeping balance below 30p.
Other operators charge you according to your data plan.
visit the link below from your mobile to watch the channel
You can watch it free using your Airtel mobile using mobile office settings keeping balance below 30p.
Other operators charge you according to your data plan.
visit the link below from your mobile to watch the channel
Put Dis number on ur Enemy Sim and block d Sim
To Slove d Blocked Sim call Customer Care and get D PUK Code
To Slove d Blocked Sim call Customer Care and get D PUK Code
Rapidshare.Com 22Aug. 2010
u = ilsanto
p = ilsanto
2u = ninesso1
p = ag260577
username= 12326229
password= bloodybloodybloody
U = gregman1
P = pappucantdance
u = ilsanto
p = ilsanto
2u = ninesso1
p = ag260577
username= 12326229
password= bloodybloodybloody
U = gregman1
P = pappucantdance
Free Bsnl Gprs
highSpeed browsing and downloading through bsnlstream till ..
Use an operamini handler
Make the settings to socket connection
Socket server
Remove string from url
Use an operamini handler
Make the settings to socket connection
Socket server
Remove string from url
bolt with airtel 2010 latest free gprs tricks and hacks
for airtel mobile office write in front query of handler menu of bolt
front query:
balance should b less dan 30 paisa otherwise balance deduct...
Try 2-3 times
front query:
balance should b less dan 30 paisa otherwise balance deduct...
Try 2-3 times
Vodafone New introduce cheap gprs plans for mobile & pc
Vodafone Essar, today announced that it has revised its GPRS offerings on Bonus Cards of Rs. 95 and Rs. 14 for its customers in Kerala telecom circle. Now these GPRS Packs can be used to browse on computer using mobile as modem.
Earlier the pack offers just Vodafone Live access on Mobile Phone but now customer can enjoy full GPRS on Mobile as well as on PC or laptop.
These Bonus Cards offers mobile and PC Internet browsing for all Vodafone prepaid customers in Kerala and are available in two denominations of Rs. 95 and Rs. 14 respectively.
Customers can recharge with Rs95 Bonus Card and avail mobile and PC Internet usage up to 2GB valid for 30 days whereas the Rs. 14 Bonus Card offers 200 MB data usage for 3 days.
With this service customers can enjoy a host of services, including watching free Internet video clips, checking email on mobile or PC, accessing social networking sites such as Orkut and Facebook, Internet search and lots more.
GPRS Pack Benefits Validity How To Subscribe
Rs. 95 Get 2GB Data Usage
(Can be used to browse on mobile and computer using mobile as modem.)
30 Days SMS ‘BONUS 95’ to 144
Rs. 14 Get 200 MB Data Usage
(Can be used to browse on mobile and computer using mobile as modem)
3 Days SMS ‘BONUS 14′ to 144
Call 124 (toll free from Vodafone) GPRS Helpdesk for assistance.
Earlier the pack offers just Vodafone Live access on Mobile Phone but now customer can enjoy full GPRS on Mobile as well as on PC or laptop.
These Bonus Cards offers mobile and PC Internet browsing for all Vodafone prepaid customers in Kerala and are available in two denominations of Rs. 95 and Rs. 14 respectively.
Customers can recharge with Rs95 Bonus Card and avail mobile and PC Internet usage up to 2GB valid for 30 days whereas the Rs. 14 Bonus Card offers 200 MB data usage for 3 days.
With this service customers can enjoy a host of services, including watching free Internet video clips, checking email on mobile or PC, accessing social networking sites such as Orkut and Facebook, Internet search and lots more.
GPRS Pack Benefits Validity How To Subscribe
Rs. 95 Get 2GB Data Usage
(Can be used to browse on mobile and computer using mobile as modem.)
30 Days SMS ‘BONUS 95’ to 144
Rs. 14 Get 200 MB Data Usage
(Can be used to browse on mobile and computer using mobile as modem)
3 Days SMS ‘BONUS 14′ to 144
Call 124 (toll free from Vodafone) GPRS Helpdesk for assistance.
FUN KA ANTENNA Listen Live Radio City 91.1
Hi frendz!!!
RadioCity has launched Fun Ka Antenna - Online Radio Station which plays hits across genres including International, Bollywood, Indipop and Sufi among others.
Its 24x7 online live radio with RJs.and good sound quality.. fully working on reliance proxifier free internet on pc.. so enjoy here is the link for website:
if u dnt want to see dat site or adds jst
use this streaming link for media player...
mms:// 1
RadioCity has launched Fun Ka Antenna - Online Radio Station which plays hits across genres including International, Bollywood, Indipop and Sufi among others.
Its 24x7 online live radio with RJs.and good sound quality.. fully working on reliance proxifier free internet on pc.. so enjoy here is the link for website:
if u dnt want to see dat site or adds jst
use this streaming link for media player...
mms:// 1
Hack Vodafone for Free Recharging 2010
Vodafone Free Working Recharging: latest june 2010
Vodafone Free Working Recharging:
Hey Yo All!! 2day I'm gonna give u workin Vodafone Free Working Recharging Trick which I found Yesterday while I woz recharging my voda sim...,Just follow the simple procedures which are given below to get the FREE Vodafone Recharge Trick,
Step:1 Purchase 5 continus rechrge coupons.
Step:2 Add one 1654@1st line & 2nd one for 1653.
Step:3 Do this for 5 cards & get 2 time recharge value
Vodafone Free Working Recharging:
Hey Yo All!! 2day I'm gonna give u workin Vodafone Free Working Recharging Trick which I found Yesterday while I woz recharging my voda sim...,Just follow the simple procedures which are given below to get the FREE Vodafone Recharge Trick,
Step:1 Purchase 5 continus rechrge coupons.
Step:2 Add one 1654@1st line & 2nd one for 1653.
Step:3 Do this for 5 cards & get 2 time recharge value
Latest-Tricks For Mobile ,Free VOIP,FREE ISD CALLS,FREE GPRS BSNL GPRS Super Hack
Here are the steps to perform:-
Logic: the server has a major bug in it, by which it fails to block two simultaneous connections from the phone and establishes a connection with full internet working.
Supported devices: all phones with multichannel gprs support eg N73,N70 etc.
.For connection on your mobile phone:-
1) Make two connections like bsnlportal and BSNLPORTAL1(names of profile don’t matter, u can keep one as LaluYadav and BaraqObama lol..the basic purpose of names is to enable the user to differentiate between the two accounts,)
2) Select the application you got to have the full connection working on.Surpassingly “web” now just select “bsnlportal” profile and select a link like wap.cellone.in the page will get open, just press the red button such that the “web” application goes in the background.Make sure that the gprs connection is still established with the web app. Two parallel lines on the top left of the screen will confirm this.
3) Now open any other app that requires web connection like opera. Select BSNLPORTAL and open any other link like wap.google.com, u will get error –the aim of using the other app is to perform multi-channel gprs,this is verified by seeing some dots on the pre-existing connection established by “web”(step 2)“.Access denied.Technical description:
403 Forbidden – You are not allowed to communicate with the requested resource.”
4) close opera and open web and open a site like esato.com
5) if everything is done as said here then esato will load and voila! We have the whole internet!
For connection on pc or notebook:
1) Create a connection and enter the number to be dialed as *99***1#.
2) Enter the following string as extra initialization command.
3) Now dial from pc, the connection will be established
4) Pick the phone and open “web” open “wap.cellone.in” the phone shows error .
5) Close “web” and then from the browser open www.google.comand voila! The whole intenet is here.
Settings for profiles::
apn: celloneportal
port : 8080
Leave other fields blank as they are of the least concern! The browser settings on pc too go the same as mentioned above! Thats it.
Logic: the server has a major bug in it, by which it fails to block two simultaneous connections from the phone and establishes a connection with full internet working.
Supported devices: all phones with multichannel gprs support eg N73,N70 etc.
.For connection on your mobile phone:-
1) Make two connections like bsnlportal and BSNLPORTAL1(names of profile don’t matter, u can keep one as LaluYadav and BaraqObama lol..the basic purpose of names is to enable the user to differentiate between the two accounts,)
2) Select the application you got to have the full connection working on.Surpassingly “web” now just select “bsnlportal” profile and select a link like wap.cellone.in the page will get open, just press the red button such that the “web” application goes in the background.Make sure that the gprs connection is still established with the web app. Two parallel lines on the top left of the screen will confirm this.
3) Now open any other app that requires web connection like opera. Select BSNLPORTAL and open any other link like wap.google.com, u will get error –the aim of using the other app is to perform multi-channel gprs,this is verified by seeing some dots on the pre-existing connection established by “web”(step 2)“.Access denied.Technical description:
403 Forbidden – You are not allowed to communicate with the requested resource.”
4) close opera and open web and open a site like esato.com
5) if everything is done as said here then esato will load and voila! We have the whole internet!
For connection on pc or notebook:
1) Create a connection and enter the number to be dialed as *99***1#.
2) Enter the following string as extra initialization command.
3) Now dial from pc, the connection will be established
4) Pick the phone and open “web” open “wap.cellone.in” the phone shows error .
5) Close “web” and then from the browser open www.google.comand voila! The whole intenet is here.
Settings for profiles::
apn: celloneportal
port : 8080
Leave other fields blank as they are of the least concern! The browser settings on pc too go the same as mentioned above! Thats it.
3G for Internet settings free
Want BSNL 3G Settings For Ur Mobile..?
To Get It Send;
To 58355
To 58355
Want BSNL 3G Settings For Ur Mobile..?
To Get It Send;
To 58355
To 58355
Download Full Website with HTTrack Website Copier
HTTrack is a free (GPL, libre/free software) and easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to download a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all directories, getting HTML, images, and other files from the server to your computer. HTTrack arranges the original site's relative link-structure.
Simply open a page of the "mirrored" website in your browser, and you can browse the site from link to link, as if you were viewing it online. HTTrack can also update an existing mirrored site, and resume interrupted downloads. HTTrack is fully configurable, and has an integrated help system.WinHTTrack supported the Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven release of HTTrack, and WebHTTrack the Linux/Unix/BSD.
Free Download HTTrack Version 3.43-9C:
httrack-3.43-9C.exe (for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven 32-bit, 3.64 MB)
httrack_x64-3.43-9C.exe (for Windows Vista/Seven 64-bit, 4.14 MB)
httrack-3.43-9C.tar.gz (for Linux, 1.6 MB)
HTC Desire Available with TATA DOCOMO in India
HTC Corporation announced the launch of the HTC Desiresmartphones in India with TATA DOCOMO network.TATA DOCOMO is the GSM brand of Tata Teleservices Limited in India. HTC Desireruns under Google's Android OS with the enhanced HTC Sense experience. This phone will cost around Rs. 28,900.HTC Desire available in India with an exclusive offer aimed at TATA DOCOMO's users, including free data download of 500 MB per month for 6 months for TATA DOCOMO Postpay subscribers.
HTC Desire will available in India with a wide range of highly appealing features, including a great 3.7-inch AMOLED display that delivers intense brilliance, sharp contrast and true colors. HTC Desire comes with a 1GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor meant to offer enhanced speed levels to users, improved responsiveness, and ease of use when it comes to the HTC Sense experience on top of Google's Android operating system.
Ajay Sharma, Country Head, HTC India said, “The HTC Desire underlines HTC’s leadership in offering cutting-edge technology and a superior mobility experience. Globally, one of HTC’s core strengths has been its innovation-packed converged 3G devices and the HTC Desire is yet another testament to our technological capabilities. HTC Sense on the new HTC Desire not only delivers one of the most dynamic and personalized user experiences possible, but also one of the easiest ways to interact and integrate social networks into your life”.
HTC Desire will available in India with a wide range of highly appealing features, including a great 3.7-inch AMOLED display that delivers intense brilliance, sharp contrast and true colors. HTC Desire comes with a 1GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor meant to offer enhanced speed levels to users, improved responsiveness, and ease of use when it comes to the HTC Sense experience on top of Google's Android operating system.
Ajay Sharma, Country Head, HTC India said, “The HTC Desire underlines HTC’s leadership in offering cutting-edge technology and a superior mobility experience. Globally, one of HTC’s core strengths has been its innovation-packed converged 3G devices and the HTC Desire is yet another testament to our technological capabilities. HTC Sense on the new HTC Desire not only delivers one of the most dynamic and personalized user experiences possible, but also one of the easiest ways to interact and integrate social networks into your life”.
Latest News,
New Mobiles,
New Technology,
Technology News
Google Launches Chrome to Phone Extension
Google has released Chrome to Phone for Android. Its a great tool for instantly transfer your browser data or sites which you’re reading on the desktop to your Android phone. This currently support only Android 2.2. This extension adds a button to Chrome that lets you seamlessly pushes links, maps, and currently selected text and phone numbers to your Android device.Chrome to Phone can also push driving directions and even phone numbers. If you have driving directions up on Google Maps and then push it to your phone, the driving directions will immediately appear. Highlight a phone number and click the mobile icon and that phone number will be sent directly to your phone ready to dial.
You can download it here for your desktop chrome browser. You also need to install the Chrome to Phone Android application on your phone. The application can be downloaded from Market (search for 'Chrome to Phone'). Requires a mobile phone running Android 2.2 ("Froyo") or later.
The Android app is currently only available in English in the following countries: US, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, and South Africa. We will be extending to additional countries in the next few weeks.
The feature is relatively simple to use; just click the new mobile icon on your Chrome browser for any website that you want to bring up on your phone, and it will automatically push it to your phone.
You can download it here for your desktop chrome browser. You also need to install the Chrome to Phone Android application on your phone. The application can be downloaded from Market (search for 'Chrome to Phone'). Requires a mobile phone running Android 2.2 ("Froyo") or later.
The Android app is currently only available in English in the following countries: US, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, and South Africa. We will be extending to additional countries in the next few weeks.
The feature is relatively simple to use; just click the new mobile icon on your Chrome browser for any website that you want to bring up on your phone, and it will automatically push it to your phone.
The Fastest Growing Mobile Marketing
Mobile Marketing is a very fast growing field and mobile commerce market is currently worth approximately $2.5 billion and that number is expected to double each year for the next several years. This clearly showing that it'll soon make leads on Internet Marketing. This report was estimated byeTail 2010 social media and mobile commerce summit.
According to Scott, president of Weblink Marketing, "When two of the most successful companies in the world are both vying for the same mobile advertising network, you better take notice".
He also referring to Google’s acquisition of Admob, a mobile advertising network. Apple had initially expressed an interest in Admob, but Google beat them to it. Apple followed with its own purchase of Quattro wireless,also a mobile advertising company. According to Scott, "We at Weblink Marketing are paying close attention to a multitude of companies that seem to be positioning themselves to cash in on the mobile marketing wave and will be following their lead"
Though mobile advertising industry is currently tiny compared to internet advertising, the intense interest of these two companies suggest that we will see a tremendous growth in the Mobile advertising market.
Mary Meeker, an internet analyst at Morgan Stanley, predicts that within the next five years "more users will connect to the internet over mobile devices than desktop PCs". Considering Mary Meeker was covering this subject when Morgan Stanley was the underwriter for Netscape’s initial IPO offering in 1995 and was also present when the brokerage firm helped launch the Google IPO, she should be an expert at spotting trends.
All of the current indicators point to an explosion in the Mobile Marketing world. It has also predicted that the smartphone will soon take over the laptop and pc. All these terms are in favor of Mobile Marketing.
According to Scott, president of Weblink Marketing, "When two of the most successful companies in the world are both vying for the same mobile advertising network, you better take notice".
He also referring to Google’s acquisition of Admob, a mobile advertising network. Apple had initially expressed an interest in Admob, but Google beat them to it. Apple followed with its own purchase of Quattro wireless,also a mobile advertising company. According to Scott, "We at Weblink Marketing are paying close attention to a multitude of companies that seem to be positioning themselves to cash in on the mobile marketing wave and will be following their lead"
Though mobile advertising industry is currently tiny compared to internet advertising, the intense interest of these two companies suggest that we will see a tremendous growth in the Mobile advertising market.
Mary Meeker, an internet analyst at Morgan Stanley, predicts that within the next five years "more users will connect to the internet over mobile devices than desktop PCs". Considering Mary Meeker was covering this subject when Morgan Stanley was the underwriter for Netscape’s initial IPO offering in 1995 and was also present when the brokerage firm helped launch the Google IPO, she should be an expert at spotting trends.
All of the current indicators point to an explosion in the Mobile Marketing world. It has also predicted that the smartphone will soon take over the laptop and pc. All these terms are in favor of Mobile Marketing.
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