This is a general thread for the science freaks who can share their thoughts and views on theoritical physics. Lets start with the most common discussion of all time. The life cycle of a star, its life process, and its death. Which includes the concept of a black hole too. A star is the only object that luminates our universe with light and warmth. A star basically is made up of hydrogen mainly. In the early universe, clouds of hydrogen gas, compressed for millions of years by the force of gravity. The gravity should work on it just enough for right period of time till such an extent that a process called nuclear fusion starts. Where atoms of hydrogen gas collide with each other to form a lighter element called helium. This process provides a star the energy that it generates in its lifetime. But birth of a star is far more complicated than it seems.
When the process of nuclear fusion starts the gravity that compressed the earlier gas cloud to form a star still keeps on compressing the star inwards. My fellow student once asked me a question that if a star is full of pure hydrogen then why doesn't it explodes like a bomb. This doesn't happens cause a stable effect is carried away in its lifetime. Where the gravity keeps on compressing the star inwards the energy created at the stars core because of the fusion of atoms inflates the star outwards. This gives the star a stable life. Please please anyone interested in this field please share your views.
the M theory
here's one of the most leading theory of this decade. THE M theory.
It states that the universe didn't actually started at the big bang itself. But theuniverse in one which we are living is just a version of the series that have taken place in the vast space for trillions of years. Every 13.4 trillion years or so, the two brane world collide with each other. And this collision is the big bang itself. Which causes the stars and galaxies to exist.
And the good part is that this theory also has been proven right according to the WMAP data.
When the process of nuclear fusion starts the gravity that compressed the earlier gas cloud to form a star still keeps on compressing the star inwards. My fellow student once asked me a question that if a star is full of pure hydrogen then why doesn't it explodes like a bomb. This doesn't happens cause a stable effect is carried away in its lifetime. Where the gravity keeps on compressing the star inwards the energy created at the stars core because of the fusion of atoms inflates the star outwards. This gives the star a stable life. Please please anyone interested in this field please share your views.
the M theory
here's one of the most leading theory of this decade. THE M theory.
It states that the universe didn't actually started at the big bang itself. But theuniverse in one which we are living is just a version of the series that have taken place in the vast space for trillions of years. Every 13.4 trillion years or so, the two brane world collide with each other. And this collision is the big bang itself. Which causes the stars and galaxies to exist.
And the good part is that this theory also has been proven right according to the WMAP data.
In the above diagram you can see the probe. Thats the probe, and the data accumalated by this probe is called the WMAP Data.
Theory of relativity
The biggest all, this one was the one that revolutionalised the modern physics.
It is basically divided into two parts. One as the general relativity and the other one as the special relativity. Well to explain you in simple words i can say that general relativity deals with the concept of travelling in future, and the special relativity deals with past time travel.
It is basically divided into two parts. One as the general relativity and the other one as the special relativity. Well to explain you in simple words i can say that general relativity deals with the concept of travelling in future, and the special relativity deals with past time travel.
This was the einstein idea. According to him , you can see above diagram, he stated the space time as curved. The greater the mass of a body , the greater it effects on space time.
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